Morbi et tellus imperdiet, aliquam nulla sed, dapibus erat. Aenean dapibus sem non purus venenatis vulputate. Donec accumsan eleifend blandit. Nullam auctor ligula

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What is the arthroscopy knee surgery recovery time?

It will probably take about 6 weeks to recover. If your doctor repairs damaged tissue, recovery will take longer.

What is the recovery time for knee replacement surgery?
How much time do I need to stay in the hospital?
When will my stitches be removed?
Is a blood transfusion required?
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What if I have heavy diabetes or high blood pressure?

With modern medicines and a good physician, it doesn’t really matter; it can be kept under good control and doesn't affect the outcome. Although after surgery some fluctuations in readings are normal,

When can I resume my daily activities, e.g., climbing stairs, going to work, driving, walking, etc.?
When can I take a shower after the operation?
Can a second replacement be done?
What activities should I avoid?
What will my range of motion be after physiotherapy?
When should I have knee replacement surgery?
What precautions do I have to take?
Will my activities be limited after the surgery?